Howdy and welcome to The Paw Print Paved Road!

Having 3 dogs in college is no easy task but with the fur and slobber comes so many great memories. Ace, Oakley, and Ruger are honorary Aggies here in College Station and have gotten to be part of so many game days, study nights and the occasional mental break down over chemistry homework.

I created this blog to not only share these memories but my overall love for animals. No matter where I go or who i’m with you can bet I will find some sort of animal: Cows, dogs, ducks, even squirrels. If there is a will there is a way.. and I WILL pet it. This blog is a place for me to share all things animals with you. I would try to tell you what to expect but honestly I don’t even know. But what I do know is no matter where the road takes me in life…

It will be paved in paw prints.