The First of Many!

The time has finally come for me to share this project with y’all. I’ve been working on this for I don’t even know how long and spent waaayyyy too long staring at my computer. It started out as a joke about making a website for my dogs, but the more I worked on it the more it became. Obviously the majority of this blog will be about my dogs (because I love them and they’re adorable) but I also plan on posting some other fun stuff. I would tell you what that stuff is but I haven’t quite figured it out. I should also tell y’all i’m not a writer, so if you’re expecting some beautiful novel you’re not going to find it here…. My goal is to share my love of animals not become a New York Times best seller.

If you don’t know who Ace, Oakley, and Ruger are you will very soon. If you simply can’t wait to find out, the “Meet The Pups” tab will give you a little sneak peak. If you don’t know who I am you should probably click on the “Let Me Introduce Myself” tab first but you do you boo. But anywho, I hope this blog can be a fun way to share the ups, downs, and everything in between with y’all. To everyone who has read this far, I really appreciate it. I hope y’all enjoy whatever mess comes from this blog or whatever you want to call it. It’s definitely going to be a bumpy road but at least it’ll be paved in paw prints!