
Ace was the first dog I got that was completely my own. He has been with me since my senior year of high school and has got to be part of every day since then. If my soulmate was a dog I would bet every penny in the world that it was Ace. From sunrise to sunset he is right by my side.

If you have ever met a lab then you know there is nothing they love more than their human. Ace is 68 pounds of pure love and loyalty. Like most big dogs, he thinks he’s a lap dog and spends most of his time trying to figure out how he can get as close as possible to me.

While sharing toys or treats isn’t Ace’s strong suit, he is the best big dog-brother around. I got pretty lucky when it came to training Oakley and Ruger since Ace pretty much had that covered. Everything thing from potty training to posing for pictures, if Ace did it the babies did it.