
One lab just wasn’t enough so like any other rational broke college kid, I got my third dog. I went to pickup a cute little female chocolate lab…. does Ruger look chocolate or female? Nope. I saw his sweet little face and I knew he was coming home with me.

You can probably imagine how it played out when I showed up at home with another puppy. Luckily Ruger has the most precious puppy eyes and is a master manipulator. My dad pretty much forgot about wanting to disown me as soon as he held Ruger.

Now you’re probably saying, “Lexi, that is not a lab.” According to the DNA test and the AKC registration you would be wrong. No, he is not flat coat retriever, black golden retriever or any other breed other than lab.

When it comes to picking puppies, i’m the best there is. For a lab, Ruger is cool as a cucumber and pretty much does his own thing. He’s loving as can be and spends 75% of his time laying at my feet. The rest of the time he is a stereotypical youngest child. He’ll go cause drama or make a mess and then come running to me with this little innocent face.